Country Ranking Model - March 2023
Source: MSCI
March Country Rankings
Italy (#1): Italy remains in first place with excellent Momentum (ranked 5th), attractive Valuations (5th), strong Fundamentals (9th) and low Risk (12th). Italy’s cheap valuations can be seen in its price to book ratio of only 1.2 and its strong price momentum is reflected in technicals that are giving strong buy signals. Blue chip stocks and the Old Economy are well represented in the in the MSCI Italy 25/50 Index with the Financials, Utilities and Energy sectors constituting nearly 60% of the index.
Austria (#2): Austria has risen from 12th place at the beginning of the year to second place this month. Encouragingly, while Fundamentals, Momentum and Risk have all improved, Valuations have remained cheap. Austrian GDP grew by an impressive 5% in 2022, exceeding the eurozone’s reading of 3.5%. While no country would be completely immune to a potential global economic downturn in 2023, Austria’s improved sentiment indicators in the manufacturing sector, amid a significant fall in energy prices and easing supply chain problems, suggest that Austria will continue to enjoy a healthy economy.
Norway (#3): Norway rounds out the top 3 for the month of March. While the country has 1st ranked Risk and 4th ranked valuations, it is held back by poor Momentum (ranked 31st). Norway has the second lowest CDS after Switzerland and its currency, the Krone, is the most competitive in our universe.
Country Performance
Data as of 2.28.2023
Source: MSCI
Country Ranking Model
As of 2.28.2023
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